Sunday, February 19, 2012

Well here it is the end of February...and what can I say? I am at a crossroads and a blockage of some type. I seem unable to write, well I don't know if it is an inability to write or if it is just an unwanted attachment to failure that I am going through right now. I feel very out of place where I am currently at in my life...very not living, but dreaming in this nightmare life. I have high hopes for 2012 and I am just hoping that my hopes are not too high that they cannot be reached. It's an early crisis - and I hope that it is similar with all artists, i mean, i can't be the only one that sometimes stumbles and freezes from fear. I am going to paste my current poetry here so you can read it...feel free to comment, let me know what you think...hopefully it will give me information on what the pulse of my writing i think i am good, but really, i am a bag of dicks? do i continue on this path of thorns and roses or do i give in and change plans before it is too late, too far down the line? so to the one or two of you that may read my blog, let me know Thanks and I certainly appreciate it, more than you can know...

                                     FOLLOWING THROUGH

Sentenced, while poverty awaits me at my front door--
this wistful oblivion where we await the destruction of dominance,
I am the center of my revolution, spinning wildly out of control,
dangerously close to inhalation

waiting, watching, big brother has been born,
the KGB of the NSA listening to every breath we take - and everyone loves an encore
they sit, monkey see - monkey do, but don't bother with the repetition
and confined resolution that freedom is not free

free market enterprise, corporate demise - and who will buy the country today
will it be the power brokers, sitting like dynasties high in their glass
or will it be the religious with their pious stance - and everyone listens to the evangelical
devil - give us your money we'l' give you redemption
while we wait for this trickle down protection

America, this land of mounting garbage and disaster, the hopeful future of the hereafter
and we all stand in bread lines waiting for disease
we sit in corners waiting covered with fleas - small pox and provisions
passed out to the poor while that one percent smiles, sitting in thrones
we ninety-nine out of one hundred and one,
one for the money, one for the gun

follow through is not our strong point, but light the path
finally unite...let brother and sister, union and non
let gay, straight, everyone...demand the civil liberties protected by law
demand our release from the concentration camp walls
of companies like Enron and Halaberton and Lehman brothers
let's burn down the gates and remove the doubt
Americans still have some dreams to dream

we will finally be free