Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Well, here we are a day after the vote that now makes North Carolina a state that legalized discrimination and bigotry. Wow, if there was ever a time to move to a state that makes sense, it is now. How stupid can people in this state be. All anyone heard was gay marriage, and as a homosexual (side note by the way) I think we get hung up too much on the word "marriage". Here are my thoughts on the matter, and, yes, I know these are my thoughts, but it would be helpful if gays could get over themselves for 5 minutes and think really hard about what we are fighting for. My solution for this situation is quite simple. Keep Marriage for the religious ZELOTS - if your church (which is so far from true christianity) doesn't want to marry me because i am gay, you have the right...good. But everyone, let me repeat EVERYONE that gets married needs to go to city hall and get a civil union's license - presto! we get the same protections that everyone else gets and they can protect marriage...again, i say keep your religion out of my politics and i will keep my politics out of your religion. so WELCOME TO NORTH CAROLINA - HOME OF BIGOTS, BIGOTRY and RELIGIOUS ZELOTRY...Please come again