Sunday, December 11, 2011


It’s my hands,
            Soaking in the after-birth of a rebellion

 – My eyes, stained and greased closed by the mutilation of the fat cat bankers – and the sum of greed –
            Yeah, this is it, the fuel,
The grit and hunger of a generation sickened by the rejoice of destruction and annihilation of civility—

The fat cats and their cat-scratch fever
                                                            This is the rebirth of revolution, Spilling its mutilated guts and cum and piss and bile into the baby-bucket –                                                 -mixing its cocktail and feeding the hunger from above.

This is the ninth reincarnation of Nigger, moving from color to corporate boardrooms –

Where sick white old men tie down art and freedom of expression – the right to believe and every right granted to stop the mutilations - to rape the ass of progress            --
                                                Leaving the body broken and bloody, dropped from the top of the tower of babble onto the impostor “son of man”—

This is every stream of consciousness – the LSD soaked brain of Mr. Leary mixed in the veins of Mr. Burroughs – it’s cultural diversity, driven mad by the Rothschild’s and the Vanderbilt’s – it’s corporate slavery of the human soul—

Every dream, every new-aged belief in equality laid out before the beast with its nine heads of rank religious dogma that clogs the pores – the dumbfounded equality that lies in money that no longer lies in the hand of men- capitalization of venomous destruction has become this cyclical axiom on which we spin—

And this is now my America – Captain of shit,
                         Rebirth of vulgarity from childhood crime,                                                                        a youth revolt renamed criminal larceny and latent prints that left the mark
 Of the striker matches we passed out fighting for the last piece of land that a drunken and belligerent uncle Sam said he was taking as punishment for the war he lost

To build their new multi-complex shop-aholic outlet center
For fat beast women – like milking cows in their factory farms—
And new sperm sack children – cast out by the millions
Occupying nature like the new Hitler youth

                                                            So sip my cocktail. Taste the pool-fresh beginning of a new baby batter army  - That’s spewing forth on their new mission

TO TARE THIS SHIT APART – leave no stones unturned in America the new Anarchy of the anarchy – not some lawless descent into the destitution or disease plagued out and delivered by the blasphemous whores that occupy Washington

But an altogether new approach to the action of life
                        The reclaiming of words over used and caused to sour

Like ART— 
Like LOVE—
Like UNITY –
                        And the end of this man-fed vision of AMERICAN DREAMS –
Yes, come one come all –to the new TV this fall and see what they want you to see

So, Rise up, freaks and monsters and people on the fringe of a “civilized society” rise up “extremists” and start the caged fights, start the underground fight clubs, the midnight drive-bys and let’s see who stands strong – will it be the left or the onward Christian soldiers that have the balls to take on this fight – we’ll feed the fence sitting politicians to the new national zoo in which we’ll store the ignorant (and the people with no clue)

            SO NOW Make it known where we stand—Make sure that they know
And fully understand—


 It belongs to those willing to shut up and become active and take what’s rightfully theirs

NO longer the daydreamers—
No longer the wishers—
No longer those who stand in the way—
Make way for progression (and for Christ’s sake the 21 century rebellion)
            For god’s sake it’s time we began

K. Foerman

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