Tuesday, November 22, 2011

     Last night, while watching some B horror film (which unfortunately, I love) I started to think about a few weird things in Hollywood. I first want to start by stating my excitement about the advancement of LGBTQQIA interest in movies and on television. Shows like Glee and even earlier, shows like Will and Grace.. Movies like A single man and Brokeback Mountain...these have really moved us forward in popular culture. I do, however, have a couple personal gripes about Hollywood and the mastery of entertainment.  Why are there very few gay actors/actresses to play gay rolls? Do they not exist? Is there a double standard in Hollywood - be pro-gay for the cameras and the awards and then shun LGBTQQIA actors into silence? Also, being such a fan of horror, I noticed that very very few (if any) change the normal format of the slasher film. It's always a group of teenagers, right and they usually end up pairing up boy/girl, there is usually sex involved before the slashing. How many of those movies have 2 guys hooking up before getting slaughtered or two girls? or add a transsexual or something to represent that we still exist here in the real world. I think it would be great to take the B horror movie to a new level...six teens, a boy/girl couple a boy/boy couple and a girl/girl  couple are out at some abandoned house being friends, because being together as friends would be just another great tool to normalize homosexuality and sexual minorities, as some psycho killer stalks them down and kills them...and maybe this time, its not a girl that lives but a gay. Something different....make it 8 teens, have one transgendered in a relationship...I don't really care what. I just think it's about time Hollywood took the proverbial dive off the cliff into accepting gay characters in normal movies...we all don't have to be gay florists or lesbian gym teachers for god sake, we could just be normal characters that do normal things and are normal parts of an integrated story....so Hollywood - answer the call...or get some new damn writers that are not afraid to write for gay characters and get some booking agents that aren't afraid to actually book homosexuals or transgender for rolls that are homosexual or transgendered...that's how I see it - It's now time for equality in entertainment. Thanks Adam Lambert, thanks Zack Quintos thanks to every one of the brave and HONEST individuals that have put their privacy on the back burner so that kids out here going through these hard times know that IT DOES GET BETTER> God bless you all.


  1. Ken,

    Perhaps we will see a change in the up and coming film makers, screen writers and directors. I truly hope so. There are so many films that deal with struggles of the Transgendered, bi-sexual or homosexual, and so few of any genre that portray normalcy, within the specific film genre. I would like to see acceptance and at the same time not confine the artist/advocate to a specific voice. That is always the rub for me. Labeling and categorizing based upon orientation. Unfortunately, that will be the way of progress. We will have "Gay/Slasher" "Gay/Grindhouse" before the casting in these types of films fall into the mainstream.

    Thanks for sharing your blog.

  2. absoutly, instead of having normalicy and intertwined personalities as if sexual orientation or sexual minorities are not different, yet just a part of life. I, too am excited for the day that orientation does not mean stigmation
