Monday, November 21, 2011

Wha's wrong with Michelle Bachmann and her "husband"

   Thank God, if you go to the Bachmann and Associates center, with just a little reading and denying and repression, they can pray the Gay right out us! And, if you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you...or a great new Porche for 99 dollars, or any other made up, misconstrued and really unhealthy dreams that I could mention.  There are some facts that the Bachmann's probably don't want to consider....repression cause self hate, repression in teenagers can cause overtly suicidal tendencies, and as educated minds, we should already all know that Gay teens have one of the highest rates of suicides and suicide attempts. It astounds me that this lady is actually aloud to run for president. Aren't there any intelligence assessments that must be done before you can claim to be a candidate for office? Obviously not.
     And, although this takes the top of ignorance for me, look at the other Republicans running for office: Perry, he can't remember what he wants to cut from government, Cain...OK maybe I can believe that one sexual harassment case may have been made up, but four...and settling two leaves it a little hard to believe that at least one did not happen. Yeah for the Republicans...way to go...
     But let's get back to the idea that the Bachmann's just want to pray that gay away! Who are they kidding? Many psychologists believe that this repressive therapy (which consists basically of reading the bible, being preached to be ex-gays and when all else fails, live a celebrate life) is not only harmful, but a sham. Taking money from parents and gays that are so uncomfortable with their lives that they think there is no other option. Can't you just imagine some crisis in government and there are the Bachmann's sitting in a prayer circle trying to get the gay demons to leave our country.  Why not try to get the ignorant discriminators to leave our country...maybe the Bachmann's could have dinner with the Iranian dictator, Ahmadinejad - they both seem to be on the same wave length in ridiculous fear mongering and prejudice. What does that say about America when not the economy, not the jobless rates, not the ever growing disparage between wealthy and poor are more important than praying the gay away.
     To pray the gay away assumes one large factor - that being gay is a choice. You just wake up one day and say, "God, I can't live without the teasing, bullying, vicious killings and attacks, hatred, fear and being a second class citizen in the land of the free...I think I'll just be gay for the fun of it..."give me a break. Speaking for myself, I was born this way some 36 years ago - and am thankful each and every day that I have an educated family that supports, loves and accepts me just the way I am. How do you think the Bachmann's kids would be treated if one of them said they were gay? I would feel such pity for that. Again, just a personal belief, but I would think that repression therapy causes a lot of "on the Down Low" and a lot of amoral sexual behavior. I don't believe that anyone can repress themselves to the point of total denial, but hey, maybe they can. I would also like to think, again a personal thought, that a lot of the directors or workers at the sham clinics that "pray the gay away" are, themselves closet cases so unhappy and unadjusted that they have no other option than to try to make others feel that way.
     Of course, just reading my blogs, you should be able to guess that I am a full-fledged liberal (I call it well adjusted educated American, but feel free to call me a liberal.) I support an equal rights amendment that protects us all not just some. I applaud the Girl Scouts in Colorado who, after some legal wranglings aloud Bobby Montoya, the seven year old who considers himself a girl, the right to join the Girl Scouts - and I especially applaud Bobby's mother and family for recognizing that transgendered people know from an early age that they feel trapped in the wrong body. WAY TO GO!  We are coming so far in this country - people are actually realizing that, yes, WE ARE BORN THIS WAY - lets just figure out some way to safe guard the country from ignorant "candidates for office" that want to pray our existence away. STAND UP LGBTQQIA and lets say we've had enough...keep being vocal, keep being honest - and for those that have found themselves in repressive therapy, remember from all of us who have made it out and become well adjusted can and will get better.

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