Tuesday, November 29, 2011

OK, equality takes many forms...today, I am dealing with equality in a long-term relationship. It seems that honesty no longer can move a relationship into a productive path...well, one sided honesty. A relationship cannot be equal if one person is lying to another. There are things in life that can cause fear and in turn cause lying to cover the fear. I am defiantly not saying that I have an advantage because I have been the moral authority - by far! I lied about drug use for years - to everyone, including my partner of almost 9 years (our anniversary is December 1 - just around the corner). When I got off of drugs and started living an honest life, I asked the same of my partner. We had decided that it would be a fresh new start for both of us to rebuild a life that went off track...now, I am dealing with the idea that life didn't actually go off track, we did. I always think that it is important to be responsible for one's self...no one makes you feel or do or think or say anything...you do! Those are your choices. Of course, at the time, one may think that the situation is out of control because of the actions of another, but it never is. So anyone reading this blog please comment and let me know what you would do in a situation similar to this:  OK you know your partner is lying, he lied  directly to you - he is a recovering alcoholic, but goes out and drinks for two days - some stranger calls your phone VERY early in the morning to start asking all types of questions about your partner...YOU DO NOT KNOW THIS PERSON AT ALL - you send your partner texts, and again, this strange man answers your texts to your partner - he says he is passed out on his couch... you do love your partner,  very much - but where do you draw the line? That's the question posed and if anyone at all is reading this, I would very much appreciate answers to that question. Of course this is a real situation that I am faced with right now...and lucky for old Mr. Unknown wanna answer my texts that I didn't have a car, it would have been another example of when keeping it real goes wrong and I already know the inside of a correctional institute...I don't think I want to know another one...lol....


I am seriously looking for advise and anecdotes that others have been through...let me know your traumatic love stories and where they lead....


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